Onderkast Studio

Love Coupons Greeting Card


Share the gift of love with our Love Coupons Greeting Card, offering a sweet and playful way to express affection and create memorable experiences with customizable coupons for cherished moments. This love card is a thoughtful gesture that promises shared adventures and heartwarming moments.

Greeting Card Details:

Size: A2 (4.25" x 5.5") folded greeting card.

Material: Printed on smooth white card stock paper that is thick and durable providing a premium feel to the card. Each card includes a matching white square flap envelope.

Print Quality: Features vibrantly printed colors that pop, ensuring the design is eye-catching and clear.

Packaging: The card and envelope are packaged in an open-top clear sleeve to protect from damage and dirt.

Origin: Proudly printed in the USA and hand-assembled in our studio ensuring high-quality production.